Decode your way: CH/SH/TH – Set 8


Do you have students that are reading at a level below age expectation or can’t decode? Perhaps they struggle with writing and grammar too. This resource will help! The key focus sentences have sounds marked on each sentence (with a focus on ch, sh and th) which students are encouraged to read repeatedly

Do you have students that are reading at a level below age expectation or can't decode? Perhaps they struggle with writing and grammar too. This resource will help! The key focus sentences have sounds marked on each sentence (with a focus on ch, sh and th) which students are encouraged to read repeatedly. It focuses on developing reading skills, sentence structure and basic grammatical skills through repetitive practice.

Pages have been designed for the older student, contain no cutesy images and are organised in a familiar fashion for each set to eliminate students needing help reading instructions. As they progress students will develop independence as they learn the activities and routine. Students need to focus on the sentences not the busyness of the page therefore I have not overloaded pages with images or text.

This set focuses on single sounds, previous taught sounds in our other sets and introduces the 'ch/sh/th' sounds. It contains:

  • 6 unique sentences (all able to be sounded/decoded)
  • 6 sentence strips to be made into fluency strips (all on one page for easy laminating and cutting, also has a cover page strip)
  • 2 pages containing repeated readings of each sentence
  • 2 activity pages for each sentence
    • page one - reading sentence, identifying nouns and verbs, writing adjectives, rewriting the original sentence with an adjective added, identifying past/present/future tense
    • page two - creating a compound sentence from the simple sentence, writing new sentence and categorising the parts of speech with words taken from students own written sentence

Resource ideas and use are included in the teacher notes!

The sets in this series get harder as they progress and will slowly introduce more two letter sounds.


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