Number of the Week


Interactive number posters to use as part of your weekly ‘number of the week’ routine. Once set up this low prep resource only requires the change of a number (provided to 99 999) and allows multiple entry points for all students to access and reinforce skills. It is a great start to Maths lessons or used as a regular assessment/check in activity.

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Interactive number posters to use as part of your weekly 'number of the week' routine. Once set up this low prep resource only requires the change of a number (provided to 99 999) and allows multiple entry points for all students to access and reinforce skills. It is a great start to Maths lessons or used as a regular assessment/check in activity.

Posters can be displayed in the class and used as part of your Mathematics routine or small group learning. The two different number concept pages can be printed to use as individual student workbooks (print as many pages required), homework tasks or as group work activity (A3 copy for students to use together). Use one page per week.


This resource contains:
•32 posters to encourage students to think about the number of the week.
•24 number cards 0 to 100
•15 number cards 101 to 999
•12 number cards 1000 to 1999
•12 number cards 2000 to 2999
•22 number cards 3000 to 9999
•12 number cards 10 000 to 10 999
•12 number cards 11 000 to 99 000
•3 different posters to display number of the week (print in colour) or to use as booklet cover (print in b&w)
•2 work booklet pages

Concepts covered include:
•Writing numbers in words
•Drawing/showing numbers (MAB blocks, tallies etc)
•Expanded notation
•Addition and Subtraction
•Counting on & counting back
•Place value
•Triple, Double and Half
•Multiplying by 10 and 100
•Problem solving
•Number lines
•Odd and even
•Fraction, decimal, percent


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